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Sex and the Cidiots

Apr 26, 2019

A fasion designer dies, the ladies go to a high-profile funeral, and Charlotte gets horny for a widower. Carrie decides life is short, time to go Big (again), Samantha flirts with a rich married guy and almost gets blackballed from NYC social life, and Miranda deals with sexist bullsh*t while buying an apartment and almost CHOKES!

Jon & Kevin talk about getting back with exes after a break, we say "Shippy Shipman a lot," and we grade sex slang (it's mostly bad).

Last episode had a Bradley Cooper appearance, and this one? Leo Dicaprio...KIND OF.

This episode is (unofficially) brought to you by a weird boxed wine that claims to be big, dark, and jammy.

Twitter: @sexcidiotspod
Instagram: @sexandthecidiots

Kevin @kevinmccaff & Jon @jackperday