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Sex and the Cidiots

Sep 25, 2020

The Russian brings a date to Carrie's apartment for the first time, and murders a mouse with a pan. But then, it gets worse! Sam has an awkward moment while doing a "job" and ends up taking it all off (her hair). Charlotte gets bad news about IVF, but she ends up getting a cute, furry delivery. Miranda makes a big...

Sep 18, 2020

While Miranda goes on a honeymoon she hates, Carrie babysits Brady and considers a life with and without kids - with or without the Russian. Samantha finds out she needs chemo, and fights to get herself - and a nun - in with the best doctor in town. Brady also catches Charlotte and Harry doing it, and he laughs them out...

Sep 11, 2020

Miranda and Steve get married! Samantha has the silliest plotline take the most serious turn, and the ladies rally around her. Aleksander does every corny thing you can think of for Carrie, including reading poetry to her, and Miranda rightly calls it out as disgusting. Harry & Charlotte have a romantic night, until...

Sep 4, 2020

Carrie spends the night with the Russian and says "lover" WAY too much, Charlotte decides to volunteer to help the blind and prepares by being blind for 20 minutes in a mall, Miranda and Steve have a showdown with the suddenly psychotic Robert, and Samantha decides she needs an old man, and an old Dick --...