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Sex and the Cidiots

Feb 22, 2019

This episode is a lot about three ways! Miranda is the last choice for 3-way buddy among the friends, Carrie finds out Mr. Big was married, and pitches a book about a smoking child to his wife, and everyone who sees Charlotte instantly becomes the horniest person you've ever seen. And Samantha..AVOIDS a three way.


Feb 15, 2019

Carrie thinks everything is great with Big, until she sees him on a date with another woman, and finds out they do not fit the title of the show: "The Monagamists." And Carrie starts putting her relationship in front of her friendships, or as our guest/Kevin's wife Jaimie says, Carrie puts "Dicks before Chicks."


Feb 8, 2019

We are joined by our first "guest" - Jon's wife Kristen!

This ep is a lot about people who are hiding someone they're dating, or worrying if they're the one being hidden. The name of the episode? SECRET SEX. But guess what? It's Carrie & Big's FIRST DATE, and Miranda finds a LARGE PORN.

Also covered in this episode: the...

Feb 1, 2019

How "sexy" is this episode? The ladies attempt to eat at a place called BALLSACK (sp?), there's also paintings of lady parts, but really the highlight is us trying to describe Skippy's dong. As a bonus, you get to hear about Jon's "special occasion" underwear.

BESIDES that, thematically, this is about what the episode...