Jun 26, 2020
Carrie goes to Berger's apartment for the first time, and hears all about his exes. Charlotte gives away Christmas and is going full Jewish, Miranda finds condoms in a diaper bag and gets mad about Steve's new relationship, and Samantha does sexy things with waiter Jerry and pays him $300 for getting fired. Guest...
Jun 19, 2020
In "Great Sexpectations" it's time for Carrie and Berger to disappoint each other in bed, several times! Samantha wins the fight to have sex with a hot waiter. Charlotte begins the process of going Jewish and finds third time is the charm, and Miranda gets really into the BBC (not porn) on her Tivo.
Jun 12, 2020
In the season 6 premiere, Carrie opens the stock market and goes on ALL the dates, including a first official date with Berger, and she runs into AIDEN. Samantha becomes the patron saint of "white gentrifiers getting mad about other white gentrifiers," then bangs a guy all the way to federal prison. Miranda realizes...