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Sex and the Cidiots

May 31, 2019

Uh oh, it's the big "I love you" episode for Carrie & Big. Miranda tries to buy Steve a suit and it does NOT go well, Samantha deals with a mean / problematic servant, and Charlotte becomes a kind of servant of her own, to a movie star, and comes out as a real anti-working class 1%-er. COOL! Oh and it's STRAIGHT HAIR CARRIE TIME! And you say penguin snatch, I say duck clutch, let's call the whole thing off.

How did Jon & Kevin say I love you for the first time (to other people - like, girls), talk money dynamics in couples, and Steve makes his most unforgivable move: claiming Ray's as the best slice in NYC.

Twitter: @sexcidiotspod
Instagram: @sexandthecidiots