Jan 25, 2019
This one is a lot about butt stuff! It's clubbin' time! Carrie dates a 20-something -- even if that 20-something (Timothy Olyphant) now seems like he's just been a DILF forever. There's a bris, some "What ARE we?!" confusion with Mr. Big, and J-o-n Jon is the hottest chef in town. (Samantha is working the...
Jan 11, 2019
The singleds have a war against the marrieds! Wait, Jon and Kevin are marrieds - are they at war? WHO KNOWS?!
Carrie goes to the Hamptons and gets a sneak peak of a ding
dong, gets her eggs creeped on, Miranda fakes gay, and, this is
gonna blow your mind: Samantha f*cks!
Are you worried about subtlety? Well guess what,...
Jan 11, 2019
"Who would you f*ck...if they were YOUNG NOW?" That's a real question from a dinner party in this bananas episode, and we answer it.
More questions: could YOU pleasure a woman as well as JFK? Are high-powered people actually *good* at sex? Are we missing something? What the F*CK is a "modelizer"?! Look, the Cidiots...
Jan 11, 2019
Your Cidiots have broken the seal...and the 4th wall! Kevin & Jon review the pilot episode of Sex and the City, which had a LOT of SJP talking directly to the camera.
We talk about the first opening credits, which only features ONE of our four ladies - the one who calls herself a "Sexual anthropologist" - and doesn't...
Jan 10, 2019
It's Sex And The Cidiots! Comedian Kevin McCaffrey and comedy writer Jon Daly are two men, married to ladies, and they have never seen "Sex And The City" before. Now, they're watching the whole series together from the beginning. They'll recap, and spin off into talking about all the relationship issues that each...