Sep 6, 2019
Kevin & Jon are joined by their best lady friend, guest co-host Elizabeth Kuchta Deichl for a very special episode: "Are We Sluts?" (Spoiler, we are!)
Aidan sends mixed sex/no sex signals to Carrie, including a REALLY weird bath, Miranda gets Chlamydia, one of Samantha's not-so-gentlemanly callers lets in a robber, and she gets shunned all the way to the Meat Packing district, and Charlotte has a guy who blacks out and then VERY dirty talks.
What's your "number"? Who counts as your "numbers"? ARE we sluts?! Is the "friend zone" a thing? How fast should you make a move, dude?!
Twitter: @sexcidiotspod
Instagram: @sexandthecidiots
Kevin & Jon, @kevinmccaff & @jackperday