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Sex and the Cidiots

Mar 29, 2019

SEASON 2 Premiere! We're blowin' up like Carrie's dating life! She's getting over her Big breakup by dating the hot new Yankee, Samantha is STILL dating the guy with the tiny dink, and Charlotte deals with a guy who can't stop grabbing his balls even though he "comes from a good family" and "went to Brown." Jesus, Charlotte. Oh, and Miranda knows a lot of fake baseball stats.

And how about timing: this is the baseball episode, the day after opening day!

We talk about bumping into exes on the street, seeing each other's junk, and Kevin buying Paris Hilton's sex tape for work as an intern.

Twitter: @sexcidiotspod
Instagram: @sexandthecidiots

Kevin @kevinmccaff & Jon @jackperday and opening theme by Mike Hadge (@hadgetunes)