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Sex and the Cidiots

Feb 7, 2024

In the aftermath of Hannah’s diary revelation, Marnie & Charlie break up…or at least Charlie attempts to. That leads to Marnie going to the apartment of her boyfriend for the very first time, somehow, and doing some bargaining. Hannah takes typically awful advice from Jessa to try to F her boss “for the story,” and fails, before dropping by Adam’s only to watch him go hogwild, solo. Jessa takes an ex back to her place for a romp to make a point, and Shosh accidentally catches her and some Brooklyn goofball goin’ at it pigeonstyle by the fire escape.

ALSO: Jon authored a crossword puzzle for the LA Times, go check it out Thursday 2/8, online or pick up a copy! 

Every other episode of our “Girls” journey will be on the “Sex and the Cidiots” feed, while the complete set will be available (and dropping early) on Patreon, at Thanks friends!