Aug 25, 2023
Good news: this isn’t the end. We’re gonna have a season 3, but let’s sum up what happened at the end of season 2: SAMANTHA. More than we thought we’d get. A tremendously emotional Steve and Miranda scene. Then: the big dinner party. Nya getting some honor we’ve never heard of, having a sad moment, then a lot of funny/sexy stuff with Toussaint from earlier this season. LTW dealing with her miscarriage with grace and class. Che…DOES get one good joke in, so there’s a first for everything. Anthony lets down enough walls to keep his man, Charlotte gets an iPhone (we swear, that’s it for her and Harry), and also there. She’s got tickets to Greece and five months to kill, we guess?! Carrie also looks amazing, and Aidan infuriates us in a way we never could have seen coming. 5 years?! NBD, sure pal.
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