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Sex and the Cidiots

Apr 5, 2019

Advising friends to break up with their significant others? Dicey! Most unrealistic thing about this ep? No guy doesn't know the size of his d*ck. The BIG problem in this episode is a genuinely abusive husband who Kevin & Jon wanna beat up. YIKES. Smaller problems include Carrie getting caught having to advise a breakup, Miranda trying dirty talk, Charlotte hanging out with a dog she doesn't even really like, and the smallest problem? Samantha's guy's dick. STILL. This completes the trilogy of small dink episodes for Sam. RIP tiny.

In fun news: there are some nips in this one!

Have YOU ever recommended a friend dump their significant other? EMAIL US THE STORY!

And finally, WHY SO MUCH JAZZ?!?

Twitter: @sexcidiotspod
Instagram: @sexandthecidiots

Kevin @kevinmccaff & Jon @jackperday

Theme by @hadgetunes