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Sex and the Cidiots

Feb 1, 2019

How "sexy" is this episode? The ladies attempt to eat at a place called BALLSACK (sp?), there's also paintings of lady parts, but really the highlight is us trying to describe Skippy's dong. As a bonus, you get to hear about Jon's "special occasion" underwear.

BESIDES that, thematically, this is about what the episode title says: "The Power of Female Sex." Specifically, he ethics and feelings around using sexuality to your benefit.

This is one of the great "first world problems" episodes - they're too poor to afford/cut the line at the most expensive restaurant in the city! Jon & Kevin talk about getting our credit cards rejected - I guess we're BOTH the Carrie!

Bonus: in the 12th minute, you hear Jon come up with the title of our podcast, off the cuff! And it works!

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